Saturday, April 16, 2011

Does nuclear energy still have a part to play in the world?

There are 3 main sources of energy in the world – coals and natural gases, hydroelectric and of course, nuclear energy. Our supply of natural gases is rapidly depleting, and once it’s gone, it’s gone for good. Of course, we still have renewable sources of energy such as wind and solar, but these are highly inefficient due to the favourable factors required to obtain energy from them. Nuclear power is probably the most efficient energy source. However, there are risks that come when one reaps the benefits of nuclear energy. The recent disaster in the Fukushima Dai-Chi Plant is a devastating example. So, does nuclear energy have a part to play in this world?

Nuclear power is probably the most efficient source of energy. Statistics show that nuclear power provides about 6% of the world’s total energy and 13-14% of the world’s electricity. This is an enormous amount. I believe that other sources of energy will definitely not be able to replace such a productive source of energy. Also, while accidents happen, nuclear disasters certainly do not occur so often. And for the amount of energy it produces, it is definitely worth the price, or at least another equally productive energy source comes around. But until then, nuclear power, I believe, reigns supreme in the ‘energy source’ category.

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